Fun With Depth III...

Look what happens if you change the value of the background! The heart is painted in value 9 - shaded 7 and highlighted White on all three paintings.

High value background Chris Thornton
Middle value background Chris Thornton
Low value background Chris Thornton

Value Painting

Chris Thornton
Base value #4
Shade value #3
Where a line is broken
Chris Thornton
Shade value #2
where 2 lines
Chris Thornton
Shade value #1
where 3 lines
Chris Thornton
Highlight #5
where petals overlap
Chris Thornton
Highlight #6
Chris Thornton
Highlight #7
Chris Thornton
Sparkle highlight
equal parts white & #9
Chris Thornton
Center Golden Brown
working thru brown values

The flat drawing becomes a beautiful painting!

Chris Thornton

Chris Thornton