Faux Finish Looks...

Rose Marbling

Faux Glaze Medium 5401
Santa’s Flesh 2472
Terra Cotta 2071
Coral 2044
White 2505
Burnt Sienna 2030
1. Basecoat Santa’s Flesh.
2. Apply mix of equal parts Faux Glaze and Coral, press on crumpled plastic wrap and lift immediately
3. With mix of equal parts Faux Glaze and Terra Cotta rub using soft cloth randomly over surface, repeat process with White and last Burnt Sienna.
4. Using feather or rake brush do lightly drag veining in White. Lightly shade veining with Burnt Sienna.

Chris Thornton Designs

Moroccan Leather

Moroccan Red 2552
Burnt Sienna 2030
Dark Burnt Umber 2527
Faux Glaze Medium Clear
1. Basecoat Moroccan Red.
2. With mix of equal parts Burnt Sienna and Faux Glaze Medium lightly rub using soft cloth randomly over surface.
3. Dampen piece and apply Dark Burnt Umber with seawool sponge.
4. With mix of equal parts Faux Glaze and Dark Burnt Umber lightly rub using soft cloth randomly over surface.

Chris Thornton Designs

Patina Tin

Autumn Brown 2065
Burnt Sienna 2030
Terra Cotta 2018
Dark Burnt Umber 2527
Turquoise 2012
14K Gold 2604
1. Basecoat Autumn Brown.
2. Dampen piece apply first Burnt Sienna and then Terra Cotta using seawool sponge.
3. With mix of equal parts Burnt Sienna and Faux Glaze Medium lightly rub using soft     cloth randomly over surface. Repeat process using Dark Burnt Umber.
4. Dampen and spatter with Turquoise.
5. Spatter lightly with 14K Gold.

Chris Thornton Designs